Welcome to Parallel Labs!
I am always interested in innovations that matter to our world. Make the impossible possible through innovation.
I named my blog as “Parallel Labs” since I am very interested in Parallel Computing and I want to have a “Personal Laboratory” to play with different “experiments” in this area. This name is also inspired by Nema Labs, an innovative company I have worked before. Nema guys have done some real cool things (creating tools which can auto-parallelizing sequential codes rapidly and reliably).
Parallel Computing is a very interesting area and my master thesis is about diagnosing critical section bottlenecks in multithreaded applications. This website will include my thoughts, study notes and other stuffs in this area, and I really hope it will be useful for you as well. This website will include my thoughts on Startup, Innovation, Technology, SaaS, Business, hope you will like it.
Now I am CTO at Testin, a global leader as an application service platform for enterprises providing application-related testing, security, promotion, and AI big data solutions to more than one million developers, enterprises and organizations worldwide. I was Vice President and the founder of Testin A/B testing which was adopted by thousands of clients, and was General Manager of the Data Operation Unit. I was Director of Big Data at OneAPM. Before joining OneAPM I worked for IBM Research – China as Research Staff Member for 4 years after graduation from Chalmers.
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并行实验室的诞生有两个原因:一是我对并行计算这个领域非常感兴趣,二来一个独立的“实验室”满足了我从小爱捣腾各种有趣实验的喜好。这个名字还受到了我工作过的一家公司Nema Labs的启发,Nema的家伙们做了一些非常酷的事情(帮助程序员快速可靠地把串行程序并行化以迁移到多核平台)。
并行计算是一个非常有意思的领域,在我的导师Prof. Per Stenström指导下完成的硕士毕业设计就是关于并行程序中锁竞争的性能分析。2011年硕士毕业后,我加入了IBM中国研究院系统组,从事云计算系统架构、海量数据处理等相关研究工作。这个网站将会记录我在学习与研究并行计算、海量数据处理、计算机体系结构的过程中的笔记,想法以及其他好玩的东西,希望它对你也有用。这个网站会记录我对创业、创新,SaaS,企业服务,技术,商业方面的一些感悟,希望你喜欢。
我的豆瓣: @guancheng
我的Twitter: @guancheng
我的新浪微博: @冠诚
我的Google Buzz:@chenguancheng